Be Perfect!

In Matthew 5:48.... "Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect." "CHRISTIANS AREN'T PERFECT, JUST FORGIVEN." So says the bumper sticker and it may be an accurate description for you at this point. But that's not an excuse to settle for just being forgiven. God wants you to strive for perfection, Jesus said so himself, and Matthew recorded it. When you read this, you might think something was lost in the translation: I'll never be perfect. Perhaps Jesus said to be as close to perfect as you can be or as to be a perfectionist. No, Jesus said it is possible to be perfect. Saying otherwise is saying God is unable to make you like His Son. That's a statement about God as much as it is about you. Biblically speaking, to be perfect means to be complete, lacking in nothing. To be perfect means to reach spiritual maturity. It doesn't mean you never make mistakes. It means the fruit of the Spirit ...