I have an alphabet level student two years ago who really made an impact in my teaching career. I really cannot forget her name Kang Min Jo whose English name is Flower (cute isnt it?)

Our class schedule was every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

TUESDAY: She did something naughty, something bad. She drew the dirty finger in our white board. That really made me SHOCKED!! How can this 10-year old kiddo know about that thing?! Was it a fad in their country or what?

THURSDAY: She came in the class, late. She said teacha sooorry. (Apology accepted). Then I told her about the incident happened last meeting. While I was telling her my sentiments Oh Flower, dont do the dirty finger again next time... She was BUSY drawing on with this stuff (picture below).

Oh well, she got my attention now. Say bye bye to the dirty finger stuff and say hello to this creature she just drew.

Me: So whats that? A dog? Who is that?
Student: nggiiiyyyaaaw

And the rest is history...

After two years, a very dear student of mine named Suyeon was able to research about the Mong Mong Song (thats what I named it!)
GOOD JOB Suyeon!

And my co teacher Venice, made the transcribed the lyrics! Good job!

바둑이와 고양이 
( Black and white dog and cat )

pa duk in mong mong
ko yan in yaw
sai jeuh kyeo keol da ka do
mong mong mong  yaw mong mong mong
jal deo sa u ji
mong mong mong yaw
mong mong mong yaw
keu man dup si da
pa i chow in mong mong ko yang in yaw
sa i chow ke nol dagado
mong mong mong yaw
mong mong mong yaw
jal do sseoji
mong mong mong yaw
mong mong mong yaw
keu man dup si da


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