April 12, 2011

Today is our 151st day!

Here we go again. We’re so “busy” that we forgot to greet one another!

But we’re not mad with each other. We just laughed it off!
It was like, “hey! It seems like we’re so serious with our relationship huh?” (The other way around)
Anyway, yeah! I’m busy this week. I am a volunteer in our church children ministry’s VBS (Vacation Bible School).

It’s my 2nd day.

Second day of getting up early.

Second day of my unusual routine.
And I love it!

By God’s strength, I’m still up!
He sustains me and will sustain me for the coming days.

You know, it’s a humbling experience that the Lord gives you what you NEED.
I need strength and presence of mind.
I need wisdom and patience.
I need this experience to see HIS plans for me after my VBS experience.

I was just tapped 2 weeks ago and at first I was hesitant to join because of my work schedule – FEAR OF BEING LATE IN MY WORK!

But TWO days, the Lord brings me at the office ahead of time, safe and sound.

And I am enjoying my experience!

To see kids of different levels and with different behaviors. It reminds me of my Preschool job experience – handling kids one on one.
But this time, it’s not just about assisting those kids or helping them.
It’s about LEADING them to the Lord.
That they may know who their SAVIOR is.

And that is JESUS CHRIST!

I know I will be physically tired. But the Lord gives me good night sleep! It’s not my 8 hours of sleep but in 2 days, it was like I had it! Though I'm breaking my anti-caffeine rule. This time, I need it badly for me to stay awake for my Korean classes. aja~
All because of God’s grace, that’s why I’m still here.
God bless you!



  1. Hi :) Blessed day.. Just recently i started reading your blogs (if you don't mind) you inspire me a lot at how you see things in a more positive way, in a more spiritual way.. I hope we could have an exchange of stories,words and even blogs.. I have one too :) Hope we could really talk to each other, perhaps God wants me to reach out to you.. take care Emk :)

  2. I am happy that we now exchange messages through text. God bless you!


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