Bitter Sweet.

"Friends are friends forever, if the Lord is the Lord of them And a friend will not say never, cause the welcome will not end Though it's hard to let you go In the Father's hands I know That a lifetime's not too long... to live as friends." -Michael W Smith June 30, 2011 21:23 2nd Center, COMPANY NAME Dear Team to Beyt: I have already given my resignation letter to TC and HT. My decision is final and I will be leaving at the end of this month. Please consider this to be my sincere goodbye to each and every one of you. I want you to know that I am truly leaving here with mixed feelings; happy and excited about my new game plan but sad to be leaving such a great company (not including the ‘’) , and company means especially TEAM 8. The one+ year as a member of TEAM 8 is the best period of my working career so far. I learned a great deal and worked with many people with whom I am sure I will remain friends for a long time. I can only wish that my new...