What's Your Favorite Color?

Hello Readers! What's up? I have one question for you, What's your Favorite Color? Does it sound like your mom or your teacher asking you the same question years back. :) I don't have a particular favorite color though, I like white, black, purple, blue, and pink! We even tend to give meanings to each colors, right? For example, WHITE, that means purity. That is why a bride wears white dress in her wedding! RED, that means blood or war probably. In our country's flag, color BLUE is over RED- that means PEACE and FREEDOM are far above WAR and SUFFERINGS of our country. How about PURPLE? In my advertising class in college, we discussed about a very famous brand campaign ad and the importance of Purple in their products - which means AGEing. You know, women who still look young and fresh and beautiful even if they're 50 or 60 years of age! You see, we got lots of colors! Look around, and you'll see a lot. Without them, surrounding would be boring, dull and l...