An update about happyemk


I missed couple of weeks blogging myself out.

I hope I can continue blogging even if I don't have an access in the internet for 8 hours in a day.

Welcome to my AUGUST calendar!

Aug. 1-5, 2011:

Vacation Week.

I spent the whole week in my lovely and peaceful province, Batangas. Away from the city, away from the fast pacing of technology, that’s where I spent my first week of being a “job-less” technically.

Finally, I got a chance to have my “normal” week with the following normal activities:

- I got to eat 3 meals in a day in EXACT meal time + having my merienda!

- I got to sleep as late as 10:30 or 11:00 pm and wake up as early as 7:30 or 8 am

- I got to teach and help my little cousin, Juris, in his homework. This 4 year old boy is attending preschool classes in his humble school at Taludtod, Balayan, Batangas. I was helping him how write his name as well 

- I got to experience the serenity of a peaceful day, the humble kind of living in the province, the hospitality from some relatives and most especially from my uncle, auntie and tatay. It was totally awesome.

- I got to experience cleaning the house, doing some household chores that I can’t usually do in our little house in Pasig.

- I got to sleep in a wide bed alone, differently from what I have in Pasig.

- I got to finish reading the book LIES YOUNG WOMEN BELIEVE by Nancy Leigh DeMoss and Dannah Gresh

- I got to have a week without internet: can’t even check my emails, Facebook or even update my blog.

- I got to have my daily quiet time with the Lord.

It was a STRESS-FREE week! I wasn’t thinking about any paper works, student’s evaluation or even a deadline for a training which I had weeks before my vacation week. But I still praise my God for such experience and I know that those things didn’t happen accidentally.

Aug. 6-7, 2011


Well, my weekend was not that unusual anyway. You can’t catch me staying at home all day on weekend. But the way, I’m back at Manila already! Basically, I’m quite busy in our church for a Theater Production, it’s called Hosanna Playhouse. We started working since May for this ministry in glorifying God through the arts.

Aug. 8, 2011
Birthday of Coco.

It was my boy friend’s birthday. We just went out and had our date together. Since we were all busy the previous days, we actually didn’t prepare that much for his birthday, compared to his celebration last year. I praise God for giving him another year!

Aug.9-11, 2011


I gave my personalized belated birthday card to my boyfriend. He should pray harder to have his birthday wishes such as iPhone, PS3 and the likes! Also, I got my blessings from my previous company (pay day on the 10th). I thank the Lord for the salary that I received although somehow, I felt dismayed with how they processed things out! Well, as expected. Grr

Aug. 12, 2011

Happy 273 days!

It’s our 9th month together. I praise God for giving us our 273rd day. We dated out but it was not the usual dating thing that we did. We went to National Museum!!! Yaaay! In my 24 years of existence, I haven’t stepped into one of the historical places here in the Philippines. It was just a lovely and simple dating experience. Seeing the famous SPOLLARIVM up close, waaaah…what a surreal experience! I just saw that in books and the likes, but gazing at it personally was a different experience! Cool.

Also, it was a tiring day because we had a production meeting with my church mates. We started around 10pm which ended by 12 midnight! After that, we went straight ahead to Banchetto Megatent. It was just sad that one of my DD friends, PJ, wasn’t able to come with us.

Aug. 13, 2011


After signing off in bed at around 2am, I need to catch our 9am rehearsals for the Playhouse. It was quite a relief that somehow, I can sense a progress in what we’re doing. It was a day for having a sense of leadership, responsibility and accountability. Though, I was bothered as well for my practice in leading the kids in our Worshiplandia. I was tasked to lead those little kids, but due to some unexpected things that happened, I wasn’t able to practice. But I praise God for giving me a heart that loves the kids and most especially a heart that willing to serve a loving God. Lesson learned: Everything that I do was not just merely an activity but a ministry!

Aug. 14, 2011

Lord’s Day.

I started my day by attending my Small Group, our review day for our lesson so we’ll be having our last day “technically” by next week. And I’m praying that we could have another lesson to study so we, together with my group mates, will grow together in Christ – intimately. I praise the Lord for our facilitator, Tito Willy Dy, for his heart in leading us for the past 9 or 10 months. In Filipino, “hinimay talaga yung lesson namin per day” that’s why it took us almost a year to finish it.

Then, I went to Worshiplandia and prepared myself, most especially my heart in leading the kids through singing. It was an a Capella genre type of worship. Though earlier, I was a bit worried and bothered because I don’t have an instrumentalist to help me with. But truly the Lord works majestically that He allowed me to lead those kids alone. I praise God for giving me a heart to facilitate, to lead those kids. I won’t forget that worship experience. Thanks to my boyfriend, Coco, for also helping me out during the second service for the kids.

In the afternoon, the Playhouse team went to UP Diliman and watched a play entitled RizalX. Clap Clap Clap. It was a good job!

By night, we went to Victory-Ortigas and attended their last worship service at 8pm. It was a day worth treasured for. Even if I already heard God’s message earlier in Worshiplandia, I still have an important meeting to do within that day and that’s to experience the Lord, to worship the Lord and to bless the Lord.

*till next time :)
God bless you all


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