I love my job!

These were the experiences, conversations, I had today with my babies - my pupils :) I WANT TO BE A.... One morning with preparatory pupils, this cute kid told me: Student: teacher, I want to be a chef Hearing that, he wants to be a chef, not a policeman anymore! Teacher: but why? You don’t want to be a policeman anymore? He couldn’t explain why. Then I asked the rest of the class the unending question of all time “what do they want to be when they grow up?” My students wanted to become a “doctor, so I can cure sick people” “a pastor, I want to be like my father” “a teacher, I want to be like…..(while browsing her book looking for her uncle)” “a driver….” I asked, what vehicle do you want to drive? “a tricycle driver” Now, that’s something to ponder on. I don’t judge tricycle drivers, or even pedicab drivers. They save my time! Instead to laugh at my pupil’s answer and tell him “why a tricyle driver? Why n...