I love my job!

These were the experiences, conversations, I had today with my babies - my pupils :)


One morning with preparatory pupils, this cute kid told me:
Student:  teacher, I want to be a chef
Hearing that, he wants to be a chef, not a policeman anymore!
Teacher: but why? You don’t want to be a policeman anymore?

He couldn’t explain why.  Then I asked the rest of the class the unending question of all time “what do they want to be when they grow up?”  My students wanted to become a
“doctor, so I can cure sick people”
“a pastor, I want to be like my father”
“a teacher, I want to be like…..(while browsing her book looking for her uncle)”
“a driver….”

I asked, what vehicle do you want to drive?
“a tricycle driver”

Now, that’s something to ponder on.  I don’t judge tricycle drivers, or even pedicab drivers. They save my time! Instead to laugh at my pupil’s answer and tell him “why a tricyle driver? Why not a pilot?”, I realized how difficult it is to be a tricycle driver, in addition to their safety as well.  My student taught me something, and that is to appreciate tricycle drivers and their profession!


I have a story to tell…..
“It was a dark and stormy night and I was on my ship with my crew.  I was making my way to light where it was safe but a giant cracken jumped on my ship.  I tried to rescue my crew by loading them on the rescue boat.  The cracken grabbed me and was about to devour me, but I punched it in the eye.  It dropped me and I was falling into the sea, however, I fell on the rescue boat with my crew.  The cracken was full of rage. It smashed my whole ship and the debris hit the rescue boat.  I accidentally hit my head on the boat’s blade.  It was so epic I’d never forget it.  Now my head is full of stitches and I was so thankful to survive.”

but the reality is..

While I’m on my way to school this morning, the tricycle I’m riding in was hit by a jeepney.  Both drivers were so mad.  Apparently, it was the jeepney driver’s fault.  When it bumped our tricycle, I accidentally hit my head on the metal part of the tricycle.  Good thing I’m still fine and doing well.  And I’m wondering, maybe that’s the reason why I came up with a story.  My head was shaken!
-Kirk Mullen


While reviewing my 1st grade class in Language, I made it a group activity in which they will earn points if they get the correct answer.

(done with Present Tense of the Verb)……

Teacher:  let’s review Past tense of the verb……give me the past tense of this word…
(orally) ‘know’

With so much excitement, my students answered incorrectly. They tend to speak without thinking first!

"C’mon, you know this already.  This is just a review J  I’ll give you an example “I KNOW the answer!”

One student bragged that he knows the answer so I called him, hoping that he’ll get the correct answer.

" Ok, what’s your answer?"



I always teach and remind my students how to properly paste or glue their spelling lists or vocabulary words list in their notebooks.

“Always put small amount of glue at the corners of your paper, not on the whole paper. You’ll just wet you lists”

But there were still some who can’t follow my instruction. So I demonstrated how to do it and borrowed a glue from her classmates.

And I used the paste which I also used during my elementary days.

Elmer's Glue – makes it more convenient to use (less messy)

It reminds me how time flies, yet there are still students who are using the same paste I used.

Indeed, I love my job! why?

Thank You Jesus.


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