Talking and Listening

Walt Disney knew that children wished animals could talk. And so he gave them a talking mouse, duck, and dog, plus an entire chatty menagerie. Even after seven decades of Disney, however, animals still don’t talk. People alone can do that. 

God talks. It was his marvelous decision to share that ability with his children. But with that ability comes serious responsibility. When your mother was comforting you about playground bullies, she encouraged you to shrug off mean words, since “names will never hurt me.” Nice try, Mom, but you know that’s not true. 

Words have enormous power. In fact, “The tongue has the power of life and death” (Proverbs 18:21). Words can crush the life and hope out of a person. Words can help a broken heart start beating again. Words are God’s chosen vehicle for sharing the good news of our Savior Jesus Christ. 

We could all stand a tongue overhaul in God’s shop. Listen first.

"Death and life are in the power of the tongue,and those who love it will eat its fruit."
-Proverbs 18:21

Happy New Year everyone! My prayer is that we will lean on the Holy Spirit as He guides us the right path of life. Our Counselor to help us in times of struggles, pain and even anger! I have experienced Him many times. He is just wonderful and powerful!  When I feel oppressed, I take revenge by being kind to them. But I have to pray for them and give my concerns to the Lord first before I can ask help to pour out kindness to others; that the Lord will refill my "tank of kindness and love" once more. 

I believe life is full of burdens. The toxicity of whatever or wherever we are in sometimes gives us the idea of giving up! "I quit" mentality. But we have to unload this! We have someone whom we can share our burdens with and allow us to get up, pick our mess and move on. 
We may want to be with someone who will be our accountability partner. Someone whom we trust. We all need someone whom we can run to, talk to, someone who will listen to the cry of our hearts. 


I once agreed to the saying "hurting people hurt people." Then I ponder on and ask why should I dig deeper and be attached to it. Why do I need to hurt others when I am hurting? That doesn't glorify my God if I profess I am a follower of Jesus. 
I may not be a lovable person, but I choose to love. I would always excercise love and kindness that comes from Jesus. HE alone can give me that abundantly. For I am also His creation that needs to be molded, to be pruned, to be disciplined and to be equipped so I can glorify His name.

Choose to talk. Choose to listen. 
Choose to be kind. Choose to LOVE. 



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