How Great is MY GOD

Psalm 46:10 says:
 10 "Be still, and know that I am God;
       I will be exalted among the nations,
       I will be exalted in the earth."

Philippians 4:13 says:
13I can do everything through him who gives me strength.

           These two verses struck me this morning.  I have heard it in the song, I have read in many times in the Bible but this morning was totally different.  They weren’t actually new to me but they were! They were like a precious message shining in my Bible as I meditate on those verses.  God, what do You want to reveal to me at that time?

           We sometimes have so many plans in life, about the future, about our career, our relationship with family and friends, our needs and wants.  We are sometimes too preoccupied on how we’ll be successful with our dreams, our plans.  Sometimes, I get too tired thinking about those things as if I don’t know what the next thing to do is.  But the Lord really moves in every situation in my life every day.

           Every day is another story to tell. Another story to share with others the goodness of our Lord.

           I have my personal needs.  I have responsibilities to do.  I have a future to wait for.  But this morning, I wasn’t thinking about myself anymore.  It wasn’t about my concerns that matter.  There are people whom I love and care about who needs my help through prayer.  I came to a point this morning that I was telling to the Lord “Lord, I’m not powerful prayer warrior.  Sometimes I don’t know if my prayers are working. Help us Lord”.  Those were the words I uttered to the Lord.  Then suddenly, this line from a song pop out in my mind, surprisingly I was singing it in my mind!


           That’s it! I was rebuked by the truth that, yeah! God is powerful!  Indeed my prayers are powerful because the Lord hears ALL of my prayers, my yearning!  What was I thinking that time?  It was really the Lord who comforted me in the midst of my worries.  And He led me to Psalms 46:10.  The Lord assured me with that verse telling me “Hey child! Why do you worry too much? I am Your Father! You are then powerful because I am your Father and you are MY CHILD!” 

How great is my God!  It was an overwhelming experience that even if I am in doubt at times, He is and will keep on tapping me telling me how sovereign He is.  At times, I get too weak with all of the problems I encounter.  I am a thinker type of person.  Even the smallest detail of every situation, I wanted to solve it, I wanted to justify it.  But there is a truth that it is not always healthy and not applicable to my everyday life. Why? Because at the end of the day, I will be exhausted, tired of those things I kept on thinking and solving.

Then He led me to Philippians 4:13.  Indeed, through Christ, we can do everything!  Even if we sometimes feel we get too weak in our prayer life, THE MIND IS WILLING BUT THE BODY IS WEAK.  Christians do experience that. We are not exempted with that. But there is good news because by the grace of God, He continuously lifts us up, our sleeping spirit to be awake to see His glory, His goodness!

I shared these two verses to my mom and sister.
I shared to them how powerful our God is!
I pray that I will be used continuously by the Lord to minister to my family.


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