It was a blessed weekend!

Saturday: August 28, 2010
I had a 2 pm appointment to meet at the church but something happened importantly in the house. I was late then ^^
I reached at around 3:30pm. I had to teach some of my church mates on a dance presentation the following day. The team wasn’t complete.
After the dance practice, I had to meet my practice for our presentation. We practiced the song “God of this city” with the use of the grand piano... waahh! Notes! I cannot read notes!
I must admit that I had difficult time in singing the song although I know the song very well, but please do not let me sing that song using the chords or lyrics to be read in notes.
Then we proceed to our Saturday practice- The Praise and Worship practice. It was a bit tiring for me because I really had a tough time prior the practice. I was physically exhausted. At the back of my mind, I haven’t practice yet for my presentation for the Discipleship Convergence.
After our practice, I had now the chance to practice my piece. Oh…that was the moment I have been waiting because I have not sing that kind of song before with the band.
It was a successful practice. It was not just a practice. It was an exerted effort for the Lord.

By the way, my friends, Jai and Joris went in our church, not actually to visit me. But I really appreciate their time to stay in our church during practice. They were really supportive in what I do. (oh, I haven’t thank them yet)

It was Saturday! It couldn’t be complete without our usual bonding time spent at Dunkin Donut!
Whether our friend, Ren haven’t got back his car yet, the cravings for Icy Choco must go on! Haha!

After Dunkin Donut get together ( not actually a get together though), we visited our friend Ken. Oh what an overwhelming feeling to see our friend who happens to leave the church for like a year already. He was one of my friends in the church whom I trusted in a way. For a short time of our friendship, we, somehow shared stories of different experiences in life, and of course on how the Lord had been part of those experiences. I honestly miss him =(
I pray that one day, he’ll surprise us at the church and that he could spend time with us again.

I praise the Lord for the activities I had today. For the friendship that I have with people whom I also share with joy through Christ!


  1. Hey Emk! ;) I've already followed your blog! ;) Miss you!-- Joris


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