Evangelical Concerts

I wasn’t into concerts ever since.
But it changed when I appreciate how to save money to buy tickets.
I watched the first concert of HILLSONG UNITED 2 years ago. It was Coco who influenced me to try watching these concerts.

I had to make a leave from my work just to attend here :)

Then followed by PASSION MANILA.  I now got to see CHRIS TOMLIN!!

a very awesome night!

Then, DARLENE ZSCHECH’s Concert with HILLSONG.  It was a dream come true experience!

can't help to sing out loud for GOD

The recent concert that we’ve watched was CITIPOINTE’S COMMISSION MY SOUL concert.

we were seating at the first row

nice one!

now delivering the God's message

very blessed couple :)

emk, coco, bobot

renniel and emk (wearing nice shirts!)

IT WAS NOT all about the Worship team or Worship Leader that I am after for that’s why I’m watching their concerts. It was about GOD. It was about experience the LORD’s presence, about the experience of how children of GOD gather together in giving praises and glory to HIM!
It WAS NOT just about the songs that we sing, on how many times we danced, we jumped, we clapped or even how long we extend our hands as a sample of glorifying GOD’s name way up there!
IT WAS ABOUT GOD.  It was about GOD’s goodness, about HIS LIVING PRESENCE in each and everyone who believes in HIM.

I cannot remember how many times I cried during the concert.  Every time I attend and watch evangelical concerts like that, the feeling is always like IT’S THE FIRST TIME.  It is always NEW, REFRESHED. 
God wants us to experience HIM daily.


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