a PHOTO and its own STORY


Who could drop by in a kitchen without these two seasonings, SALT and PEPPER?
What about in a Pizza restaurant without seeing SALT and PEPPER together in each table or probably in their condiments area?
Who could have cook delicious viand, with soup or not, plain or not, fried or not fried without including SALT and PEPPER?
What about making a sauce or dip for crackers? SALT and PEPPER are always present in there.

In a movie FIREPROOF (a must seen movie for the couple); it was explained why two people who made a vow before the Lord (marriage) should not be separated (divorce, annulment).  The couple was compared to a SALT and PEPPER. One cannot live without the other.  Either way, the wife or the husband must not leave his/her partner behind.

Just like SALT and PEPPER, these two coincides with one another.  Something is missing without salt or pepper; it should be together.


It was my birthday when I first had my hamsters.
I would make this any longer, I think I had 6 hamsters already – ALL OF THEM ARE DEAD.
What a sad pet lover.
KULIT = that’s the name I gave to my hamster (recent one who was killed by a black fat rat!)
Kulit is a Filipino word which means very jiggly, hyper, and uncontrollable.
TUKIN = short name for ANTUKIN (sleepy)
Kulit and TUKIN were the first couple.  Then, Kulit killed Tukin! By the way, Kulit is the female hamster ^^
Then I bought another male hamster, of which name, I forgot.
It was killed again. I did the same thing again after losing another male hamster, and I always get the same response from Kulit!
Kulit is like its owner = STRONG and a bit DOMINANT, a FIGHTER.
>> KULIT January 2009 – September 2009<<


It was 2008 when I assumed that I could graduate on time, or even just Octoberian graduate, but I failed.
I tried to visit some universities to try if I could cross-enroll there. 
I ended up in one State University in the Philippines.  That university did not accept me because they only allow cross-enrollees those students who are only affiliated with the school. Whoa! I felt I was a gate crasher of a party!
It was a huge dilemma for me at that time.  My mother doesn’t even know that I might not graduate on time, and that I am going to spend another 4 months in the university.
I sat down for a while, (still had the courage to take a picture).  I prayed and asked the Lord, why He didn’t allow me graduate on time.  I have lots of WHY’s but the Lord only gave me an answer of WAIT and SEE.

(You might want to read my article during my Testimony to college students in YLSC student Center)


I typed in my nickname EMK in Google, then, I found out this whole wall graffiti. Cool.


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