
Today is our 2nd month together as boyfriend/girlfriend but it seems like it has been 2 years!

Sometimes, I kind of feel awkward to say "Happy monthsary" to him cus I it has been 4 years or more since I had my last relationship.

What have I learned in 2 months? That will also be my question for him. (Hey, Happycoco, if you're reading this, need to look back and think what have you learned :)

Honestly, I don't know. From the time that we met and we learn to know each other, I feel comfortable day after day. I get to know him more, his imperfections makes him adorable. Why? It motivates me to challenge him more. It also helped me to become a straight forward kind of person for him.

We've been dating for 2 years.
We've been tagged as "bf/gf" for 2 months.
I learned to appreciate him more. I also learned to look at myself and ask if I am ready to be a "woman" again. This time, I am praying that he would be the "man" for me. I also pray that we'll grow together loving our GOD more.

We are not a perfect couple. But I hope and pray we could handle our relationship having GOD as our only third party.

Some people around us love us and probably hate us (or hate me). I learned to trust him more. I also know that he trusts me.

Our relationship had a foundation of being friends. He teases me, makes me cry, makes me get angry, and makes me laugh. I think we also talk a lot of things-about family, relationship with other people, our spiritual life, our friends, our workplace, etc.

There's so much to learn in this relationship. It helped me realized that it was not just all about MY feelings, MY emotion. But entrusting our relationship to our God who is the author of our love story.

Looking forward for another lessons learned next month!


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