I thank God for meeting new kids!

I am very thankful to meet new students. Korean students.
Three years ago when I decided to join Online-English business.
Indeed, teaching English language to Korean students wasn't that cool (at first).
Korean kids are tricky.  You wouldn't know when you  can give your 100% TRUST.
In my experience teaching them using the internet,  I learned a lot of things. Their culture, their attitude (their best and worst attitude).
I met different students of different level, from zero-level up to the adult one. Including those who can speak English in British accent!!

Today, it was a busy day. (I am very sorry to my boyfriend for not texting him today. It was really a busy day).

We're going to our "new" home at the 2nd floor of this humble building of ours.
We started transferring our files from one USB to our old CPU then our new one.
Kinda tedious!
But, I think I will really like my new station there! haha!

Also, today, I assumed I'll just have 4 classes, but it turned out to be 7!
I thank God for sustaining me and keeping me alive teaching those kids.  Energy must be 100% so I won't lose my students!
Meeting 5 new students for today was a sweet present for me.
I met 2 young boys named Kim Tae Ho (I gave him an English name TONY) and Kim Hyo Won (I named him Harry). They're really smart students.
Also, I met 3 lovely young ladies with very WEIRD names.

Here's what happened in our introduction part

me:  MARIE??
me:  TRISH??
me:  KELLY??  CARRIE??

haha! to my surprise, I didn't get it right! :DDDD

I have never met their names before! But they're really smart girls too!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. the cutie girl in the middle was named Trash? really? you probably ought to suggest another name for her heh? :)

    you seemed to really enjoy your work EmK :)


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