Breathing In Breathing Out

I dont know what to feel at the moment.

Indeed there will always be TWO SIDES of EVERY STORY.

In broadcasting and journalism, two parties must be shown = being FAIR.

What do you miss at the moment?
*seriously speaking

It's like I want to breathe so hard.

Breathe out all the negative things and just breathe in things which will make me a better person.

A person in the image of Christ. -sinless.
But ofcourse, I couldn't do that.
I am a sinner.

Everyone is a sinner (whether you agree with me or not)

Can you live one day without a sin?
How about 1 hour without committing any sin, big or small?
How about in 5 minutes?

I - cannot do it!

I am a sinner.
 And everytime I look upon what Christ did on the cross.
It's then I realize how He paid for my sins.
And it's an amazing TRUTH that I am  a child of GOD too.

It is only by grace which I am saved and forgiven.



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