Blessed Team

I am personally glad to be part of a team in our company who really works well as a TEAM.  I have always been passionate, idealistic and optimistic working in a team.  I pursue leadership but I believe in order for you to be a good leader, you must learn how to be a faithful and responsible follower or subordinate.
I am happy with the friendship that our team had built - in and out our workplace.
Our team captain is really passionate in her work. She cares about us (her members) as well.

There might be times of DEMANDs, but our team never quits and never surrender. We believe that we can be, not a perfect team, but model for our other co-workers. I do not boast or what, but I think that our team has one thing in common, or should I say two things !

Above all, I thank the Lord for bringing me here in this team. 11 months ago, I was just a newbie-employee observing the policies in my workplace. I still do it. I still observe. listen, act and learn. But I am no longer alone. I have found new friends and my new SISTERS in my workplace.  Without God's promises and guidance to me, I wouldn't have gone this long (though it's just almost a year)!

**shhh... I love them and I am glad to have them!


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