그냥 (geunyang)

from google

I’ve always been affected by seeing people with babies.

Recently, I was surfing some Facebook page of my friends from high school, college. My eyes always grow bigger seeing them with their babies.

Memories spent during the old days are remembered, and now they have are in another chapter of their lives.

I am happy for them.

I thank God because He gave them “angels” in the form of their babies.

I love kids. Not because I used to teach Pre-school. It’s because they’re so adorable and lovable even if sometimes they are so stubborn

I have niece and cousins who are cute little babies.

Indeed kids can make you happy and they do not know that they’re removing our stress from the day’s activities.

I always want to see my niece in our house. PEACHY (NATALIE SAM) brings “happiness” to me. Though at times she tends to be moody, I can’t let go of the fact that SHE MAKES MY DAY!
I also have cousins who are still babies.
My favorite JURIS and LEMUEL – they are my “bunso”

There is also one thing I envy about them: the way they SLEEP.
And they’re really sleeping soundly!

I wish I could go back as a baby and see myself as well while sleeping (impossible!) haha
They sleep very well. No stress, no problems.
Kids are like that. Things that they know are to be loved, spoil them at times and to give them what they think they want from elders (milk, food, toys)

But for us grownups, it’s totally different. Sometimes, we wake up thinking about our itinerary for the day. We will sleep thinking about how our day went by. Did I accomplish something? Did I miss something? What are the things that I must do on the next day? Etc.

Well, as I was typing this one. RH BILL popped up in my mind.
Honestly, I was so bombarded with the news about that proposed bill by our legislators. My mom would turn on her transistor radio in the morning and I could hear the anchor’s opinions about RH BILL. I would come home from work and as I turn on our TV, it would still be the news and updates about RH BILL.

Personally, I don’t know if I would be a PRO or ANTI RH BILL.

They say that RH BILL will be one of the solutions to stop our growing population. That this will help Filipinos be informed how to control the number of their children.
On the other hand, they say that this BILL is against the commandment of God, etc.

My stand: Pre-marital sex means rebellion against God. Sex is not designed outside marriage. A couple (husband and wife per se) must be responsible in building a family. If they love the Lord, they will raise their children in Godly way. They will give the needs of their children: LOVE, CARE, GOOD MANNERS and EDUCATION.

Being responsible as a parent is a must, as well as for children.

If parents can raise their children well, good.

If they can bring their children in school, give them good education, good.

If they can provide what their children need, good.

If they can lead their children, teaching them about GOD, BETTER.


Hmm… if only our leaders in the government would know and have a personal relationship with Christ, they would know how beautiful God’s promises are!

eottokke...we are all created not to glorify ourselves but to glorify the One who created us, GOD.


  1. Friend, I've watched "Harapan," a debate between Anti and Pro RH Bill. I've learned alot there. It needs alot of understanding before getting into the real point of RH BILL. Though the truth is most Filipinos are Anti, according to the survey. As for me,I became neutral too but now I'm officially Anti-RH Bill.=)


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