Happy Birthday To Me

Humbling myself down at the cross and asking for God’s forgiveness were the things I remember 4 years ago.

It was the time that I surrendered my crooked and hopeless life to the Lord.
Year 2007 wasn't the ideal year for me - it was a year of rebellion until such time that I finally gave up and said "What have I done, Lord?"

Accepting JESUS CHRIST as my personal Lord and Savior was the best decision I made in my 21 years of existence. I have been the worst person and did worst actions but the GRACE of God was upon me and He extended His loving arms to lift me up from my old, hopeless and sinful life.

In my 4 years of being a Christian didn’t guarantee me to live a sinless and perfect life. Giving up all the things that were not pleasing to the Lord’s eyes was not a one-day mission. It's a step by step  process as I continually walk with the Lord.

“That why we are CHRISTIAN – without CHRIST, I am IAN, I Am Nothing”

Indeed, my life here on earth is nothing without CHRIST.

And for some reasons that I am blogging again, I would like to thank some significant people who have been a blessing and inspiration to me, as I celebrate my 4th Fruitful and Blessed year!

to my MAMA, for supporting us (Ate, Monica and I). Thank you for your love. I pray that someday, you'll finally come back to the hands of our loving GOD. Love you Ma!

my high school BEST FRIEND, Jenelynn Rapanut, who was used by God years ago that I may come to know who Jesus is.  Thank you for always inviting me to attend in Victory, cell group and youth night - at which I cannot FULLY understand why you keep doing it and I keep saying "yes" although at times, I need to make up alibis so I couldn't join you! :) I really didn't understand the plans of the Lord during those years but every time I look back and reflect from those experiences, I really thank the Lord because indeed, HE IS AT WORK IN ME and IN YOU. (I really miss you!)
Just like what you said when I told you that I finally came to receive Christ, IT'S AN ANSWERED PRAYER. Thank you Jen! :) and thank you for being part of my Baptism - April 23, 2008.
I Love you!

to my DISCIPLER, Tita Vo Canoy, for continually sharing and investing time for me (and to my other DG friends). Thank you, that in spite of the short time that we've known each other, it seems like it has been YEARS! I am really blessed and inspired in your spiritual life. As you keep on telling us, EFFORT. It takes a lot of effort on our part to have that more intimate and deeper relationship with the Lord. Thank you also for those years that I needed comfort of a "mom". Those years that you really spent with me just to listen in my "crisis of belief", "reflections". You never failed to remind me to look upon God's love and His plans for me. Love you Tita Vo!

to my SPIRITUAL FATHER (who's now my "partner" and prayerfully be my lifetime partner), Coco Ramos.
Thank you for sharing your God with me. Thank you for introducing Jesus to me. If God didn't use you as an instrument, I would always look back and ask, "ANO NA KAYA AKO NGAYON?" Thank you for those years of ups and downs, arguments, etc. In spite of all the things that had happened, I looked at them as LESSONS from the Lord. It's wasn't just about me, or you, or anyone else, but on the truth that I would learn from the Lord. The truth that would help me view things maturely and would mold me to be the person God wants me to be. I pray that the Lord will always teach us and guide us in our relationship. That He would always be the Third party of our relationship, only GOD. I pray that we would both grow more spiritually.

"I thank my God every time I remember you." 
– Philippians 3:1



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