True Love Weds

Been away in blogging...
Well, what's with your 2012?

Basically, I've been away on some things that I usually do, that I really love doing!
and one of those is READING BOOKS!

Well, 3 things I want have for this month: Book shelf, Study Table and a Scanner~ (oh please, can someone who has a good heart grant my "need" -kidding). I need to shell out some money for it since I'll be the one to use them.

And speaking of reading books, recently, I started reading the book of Grace Gaston-Dousel's True Love Weds. 
A short background.  I'm excited with BOOK SALES. I really don't care standing or spending time browsing the shelf to look for books which of course, I would like to read and learn from.
I bought True Love Weds 2 years ago, but has no plan of reading it right away since it's about 'wedding' or 'marriage'.  But to my surprise, I am actually reading it already and page after page, I'm learning and  feeling blessed about the author's story with her husband. *I'm recommending it! go have your copy now!

Well, I can't give much details anymore (for now) as to why I'm hooked reading that wonderful book.
But one thing I know for sure..... That God's love and timing never fails.  ♥ 

Godbless everyone~!


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