Marriage is for Companionship
Proverbs 18:22 says "The man who finds a wife finds a treasure and he receives favor from the Lord" When two people get married, they take on many new roles. They become husband and wife. They become lovers. Eventually they may become mother and father, and even grandmother and grandfather. They essentially become partners in life, even in business. Yet, as the years go by, it is easy for that couple to lose sight of the one thing that brought them together in the first place: friendship. This verse reminds us that marriage is not just some simple agreement between two people. It is a unique blessing from God Himself. While God has given some people the ability to be happily single, He has given others the gift of lifelong companion for that reason, we should never take the friendship of our husband or our wife for granted. When you trace marriage back to its roots, you see that God brought Adam and Eve together because...