Best actress in His eyes...

The church I'm attending had a family retreat. I registered and joined the retreat. It was an overwhelming experience to be with people I barely even know. There were color groupings and other activities to be done as a group. As part of the group agenda, we need to present a skit. My heart beats fast when I heard I'll play the wife of the lead actor.

I'm not good in acting, I always say that to anyone. My acting is not convincing. I would rather dance than to act, but I'd rather dance alone than to dance by group ONLY during that time because doing a choreography isn't a joke. But dancing was erased from the script so we'll stick to the skit alone.

A humid yet windy afternoon when we rehearsed under the tree. I felt nervous, and shy – some of my characteristics (I wonder why I became a Communications student). But I get along with my other group mates or so called 'skit-ers'. I feel at ease with them.

The only problem I worried about was the delivery of my role, the lines and gestures. Some were impressed by my acting during the rehearsal, while others were craving for more, real emotion derived from the story. I felt the pressure. I get irritated and a bit stumbled. I'm thinking too much.

As I went back to our assigned room, I lay down for a while, covered myself with blanket and prayed. Asking that He may give me the confidence and instill on my mind that its not men whom I act for but its for Him. After couple of minutes of silence, I feel relieved. I let God to be my Stage Father throughout the activity.

Then we had our dry-run, our last rehearsal. My confidence level has increased. No more pressures about what to wear, how to act. I'm all set! Being my real self.

During the program proper, nervousness cracks my heart, butterflies on my stomach flew faster. But as I present the role as the wife, I noticed that a part of me was acting as the character and part of me acts to who I really am. After the skit, an overwhelming comments were thrown at me. I made it Father!

Others were commending me as best actress. I was flattered though I know it wasn't really the best acting I could give. I felt great because they appreciate me. But what I'm most thankful for is that God never fails me. I asked for His guidance, and He provided me confidence. He is the Best Stage Father I would ever have. (take note, A Father that cannot be compared to other)


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