
I will not say that he was the object of my first affection, for that would be a lie. I have been feeling passionate about people since I was very, very young, younger probably than most people. But I deny giving those feelings the title of love. I suppose that we all lose our first love, as well, and that is what makes them so sweet.

But the truth is, real love is something that one never truly loses, as long as we hold onto the feelings. The emotion is love, in its first, most pure state. We have hope and we have the promise of bright days ahead and your first love is perhaps your most real and most true of all loves.

Every single important moment with him, from first kiss, first voicing of tremendous feeling inside, break up, was completely perfect. I ran through every single passionate emotion a human being can possess. In the days that followed the break up, I realized that while it hurts incredibly, I have to lose him, I had gained him as a friend, and that was more important than anything else.

Years down the line, I am sure we will end up back together, for there is much unfinished business and untapped emotions between us. But even if that never come to pass, he is, and will always remain my first love as well as one of my truest friends. Though right now we are barely stranger with each other, there is so much I have to thank him for, and I cannot merely show him in my actions how much he means to me. As a person I give him compassion as someone a part of the chapter of my life, now, instead of passion.


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