Lessons from the Lord's Prayer Part 3

In Heaven
“Our Father in heaven.”

Matthew 6:9

Where is God when you pray? In another dimension?  Above the clouds? Far away? What did Jesus mean when he said that his Father was “in heaven”? 

 He did not mean God is up there somewhere where you can’t reach Him.  When Jesus told his disciples to pray to their Father “in heaven”, he was reminding them that God is not limited like we are.  WE SHOULD APPROACH GOD MUCH DIFFERENTLY THAN WE APPROACH OTHERS.  Other people, even our friends and family, are restricted by what they can, or will, do for us.  WHEN WE SPEAK TO GOD, HOWEVER, WE TALK WITH ONE WHO IS LOVING, POWERFUL, MERCIFUL, WISE, HOLY AND RIGHTEOUS.

Think and meditate on God’s greatness before you pray.

Remember that nothing is impossible for God.  Keep in mind that He is HOLY and RIGHTEOUS, so HE WILL NOT OVERLOOK YOUR SIN.
Remember that he is MERCIFUL and WILL FORGIVE YOU when you ask.
Remember also that HE LOVES YOU MORE DEEPLY than you can even imagine and that HE WILL ANSWER YOUR PRAYERS in His perfect love and wisdom, in the way that is best for you.

           Don’t be in a hurry to rush in and out of God’s presence.  When you pray, the knowledge that you are talking to almighty God should dramatically affect the way you conduct yourself.


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