Not for the fainthearted

Following Christ is not for the faint-hearted! Some may tell you that becoming a Christian guarantees a problem-free existence, but Jesus shatters that becoming a Christian guarantees a problem-free existence, but Jesus shatters that illusion.  In fact, he presents Christianity as not only difficult but downright dangerous.

In Bible times, following Christ was perilous.  Constant persecution separated serious disciples from would-be Christians.  The threats of arrest, torture, and even their death didn’t make Christianity all that inviting.  People took their commitment to Christ very seriously because their lives and the lives of their family members were on the line.  Yet thousands and thousands of people considered it worth the hazards to know God personally. Christ himself was hated and persecuted, so his disciples didn’t expect that they would avoid persecution themselves.

Times have changed, but persecution still separates the true disciple from the wanna-bes.  In some parts of the world, being a Christian is still a life-threatening venture, but for most of us it’s not as dangerous.  Still, there is a cost involved in following Christ, and each of us has to decide if knowing Christ is worth the price.

Is your faith costing you anything? Are you willing to stand up for Christ, even when it’s an unpopular thing to do?  Will you remain faithful to Jesus, even if it causes you to lose friends? If you are truly Christ’s disciple, you will pay a price.  But stand firm; the reward is worth the cost.
(From The Experience Day-by-Day with God: Henry & Richard Blackaby)

The Lord has spoken with me several times. In the Bible, in church, in circumstances.  I easily get fainthearted in times of rejection, persecution, and feeling of being left out.  I am struggling with that thing.  I am praying to overcome that quality that I possess.  Knowing the Lord for 36 months was not that easy.  It has always been a way of deciding the things that will please the Lord, facing temptations every day.  But by the grace of God, I still firmly believe and hold on to what I received 36 months ago – that the Lord died for my sins and that He has greater plans for me.  He has prepared a place for me in heaven! 
I remember when Coco (the one who was used by God as a channel to know Him), that as I received Christ, angels were singing! They were rejoicing because another soul has been won for the Lord! (Oh my, that makes me cry right now, while listening Brooke Fraser singing His Glory Appear)  I can imagine how it affected my life dramatically.  How the Lord has used other people to win other lost people’s soul. I am praying to the Lord to use me mightily to share the Gospel to other people.  To use my life as a living Bible to others.
My life wasn’t that perfect at all.  It was not a perfect story to share with to others.  But one thing that made my life perfect: that’s when I let Christ in my heart and in my life.

As I continuously walking with the Lord, I met people who are also believers, people who met Christ before but then turned their way back to their old habits.  I also lost some friends, perhaps not because of the faith that I have, but because things have changed and I cannot join them anymore.  I am still wondering why I cannot find time to spend it with them, why their schedules conflict with mine.  But I remember them in my prayers.

I have read news about our fellow believers who were persecuted in other countries where sharing the Gospel is really prohibited.  Some had been killed for being bold with their faith.  Some had been suffered a lot by doing the same thing. 
Unlike me.  Do I look like I suffer? Let me think. 
Am I persecuted that much? Let me think again. 
I guess the answer is Yes.
I may not suffering the way other believer is experiencing.  Mine is a different level.  It may not be seen visibly but it’s on the inside.
I do not share the same faith with my family.  If asked what my prayer request is, I always let them pray for the salvation of my family.
It may sound odd to others but, this thing is a real issue for me.  Not in my time, but in God’s time.  I live my everyday life as if it is the last day for me.  I could not live the same way I do.  I don’t want to see my family and my friends living in hell. I love them and most importantly GOD LOVES THEM. GOD LOVES YOU!

Today is a relevant day for me.  I asked my two sisters to attend in our church anniversary.  Would I be surprised with their response? I got a NO response.  They rejected my invitation. I told to God that I would minister to my family members by giving them Bible.  I had given my sister a Bible, my mom.  It was a sad day when I found out that the Bible I gave to my mother was not yet opened.  It is shouting to be opened yet my mother did not make an effort to do it, so I decided to give it to my younger sister. (oh my, I just can’t continue this anymore.L)

Christianity is a lifestyle.

When people asked me, why I changed my religion, I always answer them that it is not just about religion, but a relationship with Christ.

To reach us.
To reach YOU.

This leads me to the verse JOHN 3:16
“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son.  That whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life”

Christ died for me; His blood paid all of my sins.
He also paid yours. Because God loves you.



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