O.T and the Ginger bread man (ON STICK)

It was Sunday when I got parts of the cookie that a dear friend of mine made. *Shake A. Villela*.  It was actually from the YOUTH ministry food (haha) when I got O and T.  Well, literally means Over Time.  I just got it because it was cute :) I like the colors.

Anyway, nothing too serious about it! It's just the childish part of myself again that's why  I am putting this on my blog.

Got back again in the office. I gave letter T to my friend Marge.  She was actually the one who always does OT work.  That reminds me of her that's why I got that OT cookies. I gave letter O to my other team mates.  They have to divide it into 5! Fun! And ofcourse, I ate the gingerbread man! hahaha!

top: MARGE's letter T turned into I
bottom: that's me and my half gingerbread man ;)


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