Mayon Volcano

Seems like I got more than one entry in a day.
I would just like to share the famous volcano here in the Philippines, MAYON VOLCANO. 
It's an active volcano in the country.  It's full in stories, histories.

One night, my students and I were studying about volcanoes. I asked him to tell what's the famous volcano in Korea. He showed me a picture of Mount Baekdu.

Here is a shot of Mount Baekdu in North Korea, the highest volcano lake in world. Mt Baekdu lies in the northeast corner of North Korea, near the Chinese border. This picture was taken on one of the few clear summer days.

Then, ofcourse, I showed him some pictures of Mayon Volcano. 

** photos from google

God's creation of this volcano is so amazing!   I haven't been to Legaspi City and be able to see this wonderful volcano up close. 
There's a lot more to see here in the Philippines!
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