Rest In Jesus

John 16:33
In the world you will have tribulations, but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

When we dont' know this is all going to work out, we have to hold tightly to the Lord Jesus Christ Himself and rest in Him.  That's the message we often find in the New Testament.

In John 16:33 Jesus said to His disciples, "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace.  In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."  Jesus had been talking about His future death, but then He said, "Don't get caught up in that.  Make sure in the midst of these tumultuous times your trust is in Me."

When we go through a tough time, if we've spent any time at all in the Word of God, that tough time is like a magnet that draws us to the Lord Jesus.  Nothing will happen in the future that will catch Jesus Christ by surprise.  And there's nothing that will happen that He can't help His children work through.

So rather than spending our time trying to figure out the nuances of what will happen, we should spend at least as much getting to know Him better.


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