
Showing posts from 2017

Enjoying Life Begins with a Choice

Although we don’t always have the power to change every unpleasant circumstance in our lives, we   do   have the power to change our outlook. Nobody enjoys a troubling or painful circumstance, but I’ve found if we look at it in a hopeful, faith-filled way, we can watch God work all things out for our good (Romans 8:28). Enjoying life begins with the thoughts you choose to think. Yes, it   is   that simple! No matter what is going on in your life today, if you will choose happy, hope-filled thoughts based on God’s Word, you will feel happier. Our thoughts are intricately connected to our feelings, so if we want to feel better, we need to   think   better. Think of the mind like the gas tank in your automobile. Your automobile will run well, or perhaps not even run at all, depending on what kind of fuel you put into it. In the same way, when you choose your thoughts carefully, your quality of life will improve in amazing ways! I used to be an extreme...

Do Not Give Up

It's so easy to become complacent at work, especially if you've been working in a company for many years, and have been passed over for a promotion time and time again. After all, what's the whole point of striving to give your best if your boss doesn't even seem to recognize your efforts, right? Complacency can be very dangerous to Christians. The moment we allow the frustration of past disappointments to get the better of us, we begin to lose our hope and peace. If we're not careful, it can even cause us to doubt and question God.  My friend, God sees all of the hard work you've sown into your career or profession. He is the Big Boss seated in heaven that desires nothing more than for you to live a prosperous and abundant life. It may have taken a while, but in due season, it will come. I challenge you today to keep that spirit of excellence alive while you're at work, regardless of the circumstance. Instead of holding back your skills, talents and ab...

Loving the Stranger

You wouldn’t marry a complete stranger, would you? Well – surprise! – if you’re married, that’s exactly what you’ve done. On our wedding day, we all innocently believe the same myth: that we know and understand the person we’re marrying. But every newlywed eventually discovers that getting to know the depths of someone’s heart takes years. That’s the nature of relationship, especially one as intimate as marriage. So in that sense, we all marry a stranger. We’re in love with what little we know about our spouse, but we don’t know them. Not really. Maybe that’s why Stanley Hauerwas defines a successful marriage as “learning how to love and care for the stranger to whom you find yourself married.” What does he mean? Simply this: In countless ways, the person we commit to on our wedding day will not be the same person five, ten, or twenty years from now. In fact, neither will we. Marriage changes us. So does raising children, careers, the aging process, and other significant events ...

A Beautiful Exchange

The beautiful exchange that takes place when we give our lives to God is something we can always be grateful for. Salvation means that we offer God what we have, and He gives us what He has. He takes all of our sins, faults, weaknesses, and failures, and gives us His ability, His righteousness, and His strength. He takes our diseases and sicknesses and gives us His healing and health. He takes our messed-up, failure-filled past and gives us hope of a bright future. In ourselves we are nothing; our own righteousness is like filthy rags or a polluted garment (see Isaiah 64:6). But in Christ, we have a future to be thankful for—one worth looking forward to. The term “in Christ” very simply means that we have placed our faith in Him concerning every aspect of our lives. We are in covenant with Almighty God. What an awesome thought! Prayer of Thanks:   Father, when I am feeling inferior or condemned, help me to remember who I am in Christ. Thank You that I’m forgiven, acc...

When there seems to be no way

Have you ever faced a situation and said, “There is no way this can ever be?” Maybe some of these thoughts weigh on your mind: There is no way I can handle the pressure at work. There is no way I can pay my bills. There is no way to save my marriage. There is no way I can go back to college now. With God’s help, there is   always   a way. This is a beautiful truth to be grateful for. It may not be easy; it may not be convenient; it may not come quickly. You may have to go over, under, around, or through difficulty—but if you will simply keep on keeping on, you   will   find a way. Jesus said in John 14:6, “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life.” He is the Way, and He will help you find a way even where there doesn’t seem to be one. Prayer of Thanks:   Father, I thank You that You have “made a way in the wilderness.” Help me to focus on You and not on my circumstances. Thank You that You are making a way for me today. (The Power of Being Than...

Receiving God's Love

Receiving is important in our relationship with God. When we receive from God, we actually take into ourselves what He is offering. As we receive His love, we then have love in us. Once we are filled with God’s love, we can begin loving ourselves. We begin giving that love back to God and loving other people. The Bible teaches us that the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. That simply means that when the Lord comes to dwell in our hearts because of our faith in His Son Jesus Christ, He brings love with Him, because God is love (see 1 John 4:8). We all need to ask ourselves what we are doing with the love of God that has been freely given to us. Are we rejecting it because we don’t think we are valuable enough to be loved? Or are we receiving His love with a thankful heart, believing that He is greater than our failures and weaknesses? Prayer of Thanks:   I am grateful, Father, that You love me and that Your love is perfect and unconditional...

Attitude of Gratitude

You and I have many opportunities to complain on a regular basis. But complaining doesn’t do any good; all complaining does is open the door for the enemy. It doesn’t solve problems; it just creates a breeding ground for greater problems. Instead of complaining, let’s choose to respond to the Lord each day by developing an attitude of gratitude. This is not just an occasional expression of thanks, but a continual lifestyle of thanksgiving. The person who has developed an “attitude of gratitude” is one who is thankful and grateful for every single thing that God is doing in his or her life day by day. Prayer of Thanks:   Father, thank You for the way You provide for every area of my life. Instead of complaining about what I want or about what I don’t have, I choose to be grateful for everything I do have. You have been good to me—thank You for Your goodness.

What is Prayer?

Hi there!  Hi me!  It's been a while since I last posted my entry. I have been very "busy" these past months. Oh that sad word B-U-S-Y :( Because of being busy, I got disconnected with people I dearly love. I haven't heard news about them. And that's bitterly sad for me since I cannot take back the time I lost with them. And same thing with my prayer life. I always remind myself to stay connected with God whom I recognize as my loving Heavenly Father. Reminding myself to make prayer a natural act from my inner desire of communing with Jesus Christ. However, there were times when I do not pray - that I just shut the door of my heart and go with the flow of my everyday "routine" in life. And so things fall apart, and I do get disappointed on things and on people. Then I would ask "God, why do allow these to happen?" And God would point out to me, "My child, why do you allow these things to happen?" And so I need to get back...

A Letter to My Son.

February 25, 2017 Your daddy and I left our house to visit Tito Jerahmeel before he goes to Japan the next day. We didn't bring you with us for the reason that we'll go straight ahead to church to prepare for the camp's fundraising. In fact, we left the church late at night. Your daddy and I were exhausted but Jesus truly sustained us, son. We arrived home and you were sleeping soundly with Nanay Monet. We kissed and cuddled you carefully that we didn't want to wake you up. You seemed so peaceful son. I envy you! :)  February 26, 2017 Church day! Your daddy and I left the house early in the morning to attend the 1st worship service. We needed to prepare for the fundraising after the service.  And while I was selling books outside the church, with my two big eyes, I saw you with Nanay Monet and Ate Tina! Oh what a joy! You three looked great! Then I hurriedly embraced you and carried you! Until the rest of our church mates willingly took care of you while ...