Stitched Together

When God created us, He was glad. Everything He had created was made perfect until sin came in.

Hi! Before this year ends I'd like to share something about God's love towards us through crochet.

Wait, what? Crochet?!
Yes, through crochet! Let me share my reflection and how the Lord used crocheting...
---- Here's my draft way back 2019

Hello there! Let me continue and finish this post before this year, 2024, ends.

The photo above was taken in 2019, when I tried to recreate the turban / headband I bought. It was my favorite hair accessories. Oh how fascinated am I in wearing turbans and in crocheting too.

As I try to finish this post, I would like to highlight God's creativity. It always amazes me to imagine how God would create everything we are seeing and enjoying, all the resources that we have, and sadly, how we fail to take care of what He had created.

Allow me to share my reflection about crocheting. And oh, by the way, I do have a small business, it's called ADMiRe Handmade - you can check it out in Facebook and IG. I am trying to connect my ideas at present to what I was about to post in 2019. My memories of 2019 were pretty amazing. It was the year I gave birth to my 2nd child. Crocheting helped me in my postpartum / baby blues season. 

In 2020 when the world was hit by Covid19, I was able to crochet facemask earsavers and donated them to our frontliners in the country. That also gave an opportunity for me to crochet facemask lanyards. I was able to sell them and my products were even sent abroad. Amazing isn't it? And it was all because of God's provision and the talent He has given me. All glory to Him alone that I was able to do those things - my hands and my skills are from the Lord alone.

In 2021-2023, my crocheting hobby turned into business and it's excites me to create products to those people (family members, churchmates, and friends), who supported me in my craft. The small business I have was not really my priority due to the schedule I have to juggle and manage  as a mother of two, an elementary teacher, and as as wife. But nonetheless, the Lord has always been faithful because He has always provided me customers who would randomly ask and buy for my products even if my marketing skill needs a lot of training and improvement. 

The Lord has been good to me in 2024. Despite the challenges in my schedule, I was able to sell my crochet works through accepting pre-orders and customized items. I was not expecting a lot of orders, but I was beyond grateful for those who trusted my craft and my passion in crocheting. 

Hello 2025! I hope to crochet still and be able to share my joy to others. 



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