50 Reasons why Jesus suffered and died

1. To absorb the Wrath of God.
2. To please His Heavenly Father.
3. To learn obedience and be perfected.
4. To achieve His own resurrection from the dead.
5. To show the wealth of God's Love and Grace for sinners.
6. To show His own love for us.
7. To cancel the legal demand of the law against us.
8. To become a ransom for many.
9. For the forgiveness of our sins.
10. To provide the basis for our justification.
 11. To complete the obedience that becomes our righteousness.
12. To take away our condemnation.
13. To abolish circumsicion and all rituals as the basis of Salvation.
14. To bring us to faith and keep us faithful.
15. To make us holy, blameless, and perfect.
16. To give us a clear conscience.
17. To obtain for us all things that are good for us.
18. To heal us from moral and physical sickness.
19. To give eternal life to all who believe on Him.
20. To deliver us from the present evil age.
21. To reconcile us to God.
22. To Bring us to God.
23. So that we might belong to Him.
24. To give us confident access to the holiest place.
25. To become for us the place where we meet God.
26. To bring the old testament priesthood to an end and become the Eternal High Priest.
27. To become a symphatetic and helpful priest.
28. To free us from the futility of our ancestry.
29. To free us from the slavery of sin
30. That we might die to sin and Live to Rigtheousness.
31. So that we would die to the law and bear fruit for God.
32. To enable us to Live for Christ and Not Ourselves
33. To Make His Cross the Ground of All Our Boasting
34. To Enable Us to Live by Faith in Him
35. To Give Marriage Its Deepest Meaning
36. To Create a People Passionate for Good Works
37. To Call Us to Follow His Example of Lowliness and Costly Love
38. To Create a Band of Crucified Followers
 39. To Free Us from Bondage to the Fear of Death
40. So That We Would Be with Him Immediately After Death
41. To Secure Our Resurrection from the Dead
42. To Disarm the Rulers and Authorities
43. To Unleash the Power of God in the Gospel
44. To Destroy the Hostility Between Rac
45. To Ransom People from Every Tribe and Language and People and Nation
46. To Gather All His Sheep from Around the World
47. To Rescue Us from Final Judgment
48. To Gain His Joy and Ours
49. So That He Would Be Crowned with Glory and Honor
50. To Show That the Worst Evil Is Meant by God for Good
 (John Piper-The Passion of Jesus Christ)

My prayer is that we might always live in His likeness. That we may live a life with freedom that the Lord has given us. That we may also share our joy in terms of our relationship with the Lord to others who are still asleep, to those who are still blind, to those who are still having a heart of stone. Salvation is given to us freely - it is a precious gift for all mankind. Our sins have been washed away - through the precious blood of our Lord Jesus Christ!


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