Julianne Fever

I like Julianne's song Grateful and Choose to Believe. Its message coincides with one another =) Her music were full of life, love, hope and spirit! (Well perhaps on these songs, the others I haven't heard yet)


I’m stronger than before
I’m stronger than I’ll ever be
And I raise my eyes to the one, the one who made me see
Oh what I thought was lost but now was found
And I’m grateful

Grateful for the day you called my name
Ever since you walked into the door it’s never been the same
Mornings are brighter now, I’m not afraid
And I wake up each day with a smile on my face

Coz I’ve been in places where I couldn’t even see the light of day
And then you came

 And I’m grateful
You showed me the way back to my beautiful
And I’m grateful You showed me the way back to my beautiful

Everything seems different now
Things are turnin’ inside and out
With a new pair of senses to go with around
It doesn’t even matter if I’m up or down
Blues are bluer, smiles are brighter
It draws a tear whenever
I watch the sunsets paint the sky
I don’t even mind walking under the rain
I’ve never laughed like this before and I’m gonna say it once more

Choose to Believe

I've been in and out of the light
Struggling from the fight
Vaguely tracing your footsteps On the sand
Blinded by the things
 I thought that life could bring
Lost in expectations Unfulfilled

 I know that life is a choice we make
Right or wrong Give or take
It's only either way
But to choose the Lord is all that Matters to me
And oh, He promises serenity

For those who Choose to love
Choose to live Choose to forgive
Wipe away my eyes So I can see the way You paved for me
Breathe choose to sing
And all of the beauty that You bring
But most of all I choose to believe

I've been searching in All the wrong places
When all of the answers
Were right in front of me
I needed my tears to see You clearly
I needed my pain to feel You near me
Rescue me I know You can and you will


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