July 31st

July 31st It was a memorable day for me. One rainy afternoon, while walking in a footbridge under the umbrella, in a busy street of Metro Manila, a man came after us, telling something important that I happened to ignore at first. Not knowingly that the man would tell us that my bag was open and that someone might have tried to get something from my backpack. I hurriedly turned around and checked my bag. It was a terrible time for me that I was able to say something that I shouldn't say. It was a disheartened experience that day. I felt that I lost “Chris-like” in me that time, I thought that maybe at that time, Satan had terribly laughing that I was able to speak something that he would wanted to hear. When I checked my bag, I realized that the person who have tried to open my bag and tried to get something from inside would get nothing – he could have got my toothpaste, toothbrush, hair brush, roll of tissue!

Cluttered things were inside! But I remember my other phone if it was still there. Thank God, He did not allow that person to snatch something from me. As we continued to walk still under the rain, I realized how fool I was! Why did I say something like that as my first reaction after hearing the concern man’s voice? I could have said “Oh God...” but I didn’t. Instead, just in a flash stream of light, I came back from my old self. I was really ashamed of myself. I initially thought what might be the reaction of the Lord through me. He could have strike me with lightning and hurriedly disappear from that place, from this world. But He didn’t. I just felt the comfort easily.

A comfort that has been telling me that “it’s OK my child. You are safe. Your things are still complete. I didn’t neglect you at the time that you are about to ignore me- to ignore the love that I have for you. I love you and I care for you. Even though you cannot see me, you know that in your heart, there I am, living inside you…and I wouldn’t let go of you my child, I will always protect you, because I love you.” As I am writing this down, with the song “Amazed” in my headset, I still couldn’t believe that despite my attitude of sometimes neglecting the truth in me, not totally neglect but forget how the Lord have loved me…His love will always be there.

HE would always offer that love for me, because He laid down Himself on the cross. That is how the Lord cares for me! I am disappointed with myself because of my shortcomings for the Lord, but I am truly blessed and amazed how the Lord loves me.

There are no greater things on earth that could replace that kind of love! Not even a situation in our lives could stop Him from loving us! With the experience that I had, I would not notice how the Lord really sticks with His promises. He never left me worrying of what might happen to me on that footbridge. I will not forget that footbridge, the weather at that time. Thank you Lord for loving me.


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