Our purpose..

are all travelers who ought to go a long journey before us.though each one of us started this journey at a different time some are walking lightly,

some are walking even one step very heavily nobody knows when this journey ends,but everyone knows that there is an end.

because the way we are walking on is lonely and tough, we are all seeking for a partner to walk together.
we think if there's somebody to love me and to be with me, this journey won't be a problemthat only with enough expenditure,
this long journey won't be so tough that provided many people acknowledge me,i might even enjoy this journey but we are missing that it is impossible for anyone to walk together with us till the end
nobody can lead us from the end of this journey into a new one. except him only...there are several people who are carrying a ladder to cross into a new roadsometimes they feel pressured by the ladder but knowing the value of it, they walk with gladness
many are walking without knowing the value of walking with Him,others have gone for someone else forgetting the importance of walking with Him
those who are walking with him to introduce, the true companionship to others
those who are far from this fellowship, need to remember that he is waiting for them to walk again and those who have not found the true friend yet in this journey, would meet Him now...NOW.


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