February 2011 is our Third Month

How can I forget 12th day of the month?
It's the day that Coco asked me "Can you be my girlfriend?"
He even asked me what's the difference of  "Yes, I will" and "Yes, I do."
Well, I just answered the YES, I WILL.
Still praying for the YES, I DO ♥♥♥

February 12, 2011
It's our third month together. (funny, it seems like years!)
We love eating so we just had our dinner at The Real Thing Diner.
Oh, the crew remembered me already! haha! (we went there with some Korean buddies and with my co teachers too)
She remembered me and my bangs! :)

Oh, how can I forget that day! (I'm starting to have a forgetful mind)

Again, I didn't take a photo of the food that we ordered. 

il terrazo, tomas morato


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