The Truth that Sets Them Free

Top 10 List of Things to Bust BOY-craziness
(liesyoungwomenbelieve p95)

Go on a mission trip
Read Passion and Purity by Elisabeth Elliot
(I haven’t read that but you might also want to read Basta Lovelife by Kevin Sanders) hehe
Begin a journal to your future husband
Write a list of your future husband’s qualities
Get a mentor to talk about it
Exercise of get involved in sports
(I’d like dancing! I’m not into sports)
Invest time in the “man of your life” – your dad!
(How I wish I could, my dad is living in an island.  Haven’t seen him for years!)
Hang out with friends who aren’t boy-crazy
Create a list of great movies and books that don’t fuel impure thoughts and romance
Write love letters to God

I ♥ TOP 1. It’s one of the sweetest things I love doing.

I’m currently reading a book LIES YOUNG WOMEN BELIEVE by Nancy Leigh DeMoss and Dannah Gresh and I  learn a lot upon reading it. (grab a copy of that one! you all young ladies out there!)

Also, you can check out Kuya Kevin’s book BASTA LOVELIFE.

You know, I have younger sister and her name is Monique, and I want her to know Christ more.
I had lived in my own “world” years back before I met Christ and I don't want her to make her own "world" as well.I had so much scars then in my heart and it was totally broken!
And you know what, when I accepted Christ as my personal Lord and Savior, I realized that it was the most precious and beautiful decision I've ever made!

God bless you.


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