Get Some Sleep Dude!
I am not a morning person. I usually get late on some appointments. I am active and awake during night time. We don’t have internet connection in our house so I couldn’t be addicted that much in checking my Facebook or my emails. I love sleeping. I sleep a lot. Other people who know me sometimes misjudged me if I sleep for 12 hours. I know about getting sleep for 8 hours. I heard from a friend that “when you get sleep for 3 or 4 hours, might as well continue that habit for 6 months and surely you’ll die!” Well, exaggeration is there.
I couldn’t get up from bed especially if the room is cold. I really like it when sleeping and it’s quite cold (not too cold. TRIVIA: I do get sick in super cold places-literally hot and sick). I turned off the fan as my body tells me it is time to wake up!
In my field of career, I do sleep late. My body clock knows that 12 midnight or 1 in the morning is for my sleeping time. Wake up call at 7 in the morning but I get out from bed at 10 in the morning to 11 in the morning.
I am really having difficulty in getting up early. I am aware that I must have a discipline in terms of my sleeping habits. I might get used to it as to the time I’ll have my own family. I wouldn’t want my kids to see their mommy in that kind of sleeping habit. Not a good model for my kids.
As I was browsing the internet today, I have read some articles related to sleeping habit. And I would like to share it to you!
Click the link below to check on the Seven Bedtime Habits That Are Ruining Your Sleep.
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