Daily bread

Matthew 6:11

Bread was the most common elements of a Jewish meal.  Ordinary.  They didn’t always eat rich, elaborate feasts, but they had bread every day.  To the disciples, daily bread represented the unspectacular.  They’d seen Jesus heal disease, calm storms, and walk on water; they knew God could deliver the big-ticket items.  But Jesus was telling them not to leave God out of the seemingly ordinary parts of life.

Praying every day for God to meet our needs does not annoy Him- it pleases Him.  Asking for our daily bread also reminds us regularly that we rely on God for everything – not just the big things, but the everyday needs in life.

Don’t ever worry that God will consider your needs too small for Him.  He loves you.  He wants to take care of you whether you need a miracle or a piece of bread.  Remember that everything in life comes from God.  Don’t forget to thank Him today for meeting your


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