107 Pounds Beauty

You must be familiar with this Korean movie. "200 Pounds Beauty".
I can’t remember what the story was all about but it was a good movie.

Hearing comments from other people about my weight didn't bother me at all. They were telling me "Oh, ang payat mo na" ~you're now thin~ "Maybe you're stressed that's why you lose weight" etc

I wasn't offended by their comments or what, neither do I get it as a compliment. My response would be,
- I eat a lot but I don't know why I don't get fat
- hmm...it's because of my metabolism
- Really??? I still find myself fat in camera (to which I am always exposed to, teaching my Korean students)
- ahh...it's okay...as long as I don't look super thin

...that's it.

Last week, Friday, my friends and I had an overnight. We had marathon movie but I only finished one movie! ha-ha

When I saw a weighing scale, I hurriedly stepped on it and looked at my weight.

I always do that at my best friend's house way back in high school and even during the times that I'm visiting her. I never failed to check on my weight.

To my surprise, my weight now is 107 lbs!!!!

Am I happy?

I used to be at 120 lbs. CONSISTENT. But that didn't give me a lot of credits or what because I was still at the UNDER WEIGHT category.

I remember when we had a seminar for a business in connection with natural, herbal way to stay healthy and slim. When I had all the measures of my weight, mentioning the body mass, body fat, etc., it turned out that I was in the underweight category having 120 lbs. THAT WAS 2 YEARS AGO.

(this is just for the purpose of reference for this article)

- hmm...maybe it really has something to do with my metabolism but I also have an important part to play about my health

a. I don't eat properly.
What I mean is, because of the nature of my job, I don't have a fix schedule for my dinner time. Sometimes, I just suddenly don't feel being hungry at all.
Okay okay, I know, in the following days, I might meet ULCER.

b. I'm lazy taking vitamins.
I am not that "religious" in taking vitamins. I swear. Like other people who experience the effect, I also feel sleepy taking vitamins.
But, okay okay, I know I should take vitamins regularly. With the nature of my work, STRESS comes in a lot.

c. Bad sleeping habit.
I'm out by 10 in the evening. Will be home before 11. Turn on the television; if I feel like hungry, I would eat just a little. Watch late night news, documentaries. And I would finish around 1 in the morning. If I am in my movie marathon mode, I would sleep as the time my mom wakes up.
Tsk. Bad.

I know I should change that sleeping habit.

Honestly, it’s not easy and comfortable writing these down.

I am a Cinderella committing some SIN-derella drama.

I am aware that the Lord doesn't want me doing things that will make me unhealthy.

And for my readers, I want you to know that God gave us the NIGHT for us to rest, to recharge, to renew for another TOMORROW.

I didn't notice that my non-occasionally habit will result to my 107 lbs beauty.

Yes, I still look beautiful. And you still look beautiful!

God sees us all beautiful even if we commit sins intentionally or not. That's how He shows us His great LOVE FOR US SINNERS.

But, I don't stop from here, having my 107 pound beauty; I will gain more weight in the coming days and will be back in a better shape! AJA!

And most importantly, I must have discipline with the following:

1. eating habit

2. sleeping habit

3. thinking habit

4. working habit

5. sorry, but I can't let go of my coffee habit! :P












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